Friday, February 6, 2015

Vitamin D3 by VitaWise

Are you thinking about catching some rays during summertime? Then maybe you’d like to boost your body’s supply of Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 from VitaWise contains the very same nourishment that you get from sunshine, but minus all the risks that you may be worried about including UV exposure.

Vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin. This is because it is produced in the skin as a reaction to sunlight. It is a fat soluble compound in a family that includes D1, D2 and D3. As many as two thousand genes in your body are affected by it. Vitamin D3 has a lot of vital functions. This includes regulating the calcium absorption in your body and that of phosphorous. Did you know that it can also affect your immune system? Getting the right amounts is essential for normal growth. These include the development of bones and teeth. It also improves resistance against infection.

Vitamin D3 reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis. This is according to a study published in 2006. It also decreases the chances of developing heart diseases and there is lesser likelihood of catching the flu – just because of Vitamin D’s powers! So how is Vitamin D produced naturally? You obtain it first by direct exposure to sunlight. Even just 10 minutes a day can work wonders. You can also get it through different kinds of foods and health supplementation such as D3 by VitaWise.

You should take caution against deficiency however. A lot of environmental factors may deprive you of getting the right amounts. These include pollution, overusing sunscreen – spending a lot of time indoors and being sedentary! And working for long hours inside an office setting. Living in urban areas where sunlight is blocked is also a factor. This is where getting it from supplementation such as Vitamin D3 becomes vital.

There are different food sources for Vitamin D, these include salmon, sardines, egg yolk, shrimp, cereal and yogurt. But then again you may not have the luxury of getting it all the time through diet, this is why taking a good D3 health supplement can go a long way. Consult your doctor first – and rest assured that your body will be nourished and brought to perfect balance.

Order Vitamin D3 from VitaWise today and discover a stronger, and healthier, new you!

You should also remember, however to do your part. You can’t expect your D3 supplementation to work if you remain sedentary and indulge in bad habits. Health supplements are there to enhance your body’s circulatory and metabolic processes and you need to be grounded in healthy living if you wish to benefit from it optimally.

At VitaWise, we care about your health and holistic living!